

Moving house can be irksome and unsettling at the best of times. Being pregnant or having small children around is guaranteed to make things more complicated, and moving house is no exception. Finding a child friendly removals company will go a long way towards making your move easier, and Small Movers is one of the premier Removals Companies in Birmingham for families.

If you’re pregnant chances are that you’re feeling more tired than normal and are having to take things more easily. You could be suffering a degree of morning sickness as well which can in some cases, be really debilitating. Give yourself more time to complete all of the packing and other jobs associated with moving. Don’t be afraid to ask for, or accept, offers of help and don’t feel lazy for needing an afternoon nap. Make sure that your midwife and doctor are aware that you are moving mid-pregnancy so that you get continuous care, and sign up for ante-natal classes near your new home. Getting to know other people will help you to settle in and feel more secure and ante-natal classes are a great way of meeting people.

If you have a new baby then things are slightly different. A big plus is that babies are very portable and as long as they are warm, dry and fed they will (hopefully) be content. Keep your baby’s essential items such as nappies, changing bag, feeding equipment, blankets and so on in a separate place that is easy to get to at all times. Enlist the help of relatives and friends who can take care of the baby for you during the removals and when you come to unpack and give your baby lots of extra cuddles to reassure them that the strange surroundings and change of routine are nothing to worry about.

If you have young children then there are other issues to consider when moving house. Children love routine and habit and moving house is guaranteed to throw any routine out of the window, even if just for a few days. Young children, especially if they are pre-verbal, can become very anxious about upheaval. Ensure that you tell your child what is happening and why. Even very young children will get some understanding of what is going on, and just the fact that mummy and daddy are talking positively and calmly about moving house can be enough to reassure an upset child.

Make sure that your child’s belongings are packed and labelled clearly. If possible encourage your child to help with the packing – if your child knows that all of their familiar things will be at the new house and that you aren’t going to be leaving their favorite teddy behind, then moving will be much less stressful for them and for you. Also ensure that your child’s belongings and anything essential for their well being such as stair gates and socket covers, are easily accessible once you’re at the new house. Getting your child’s bedroom sorted out first will go a long way towards helping your child settle in to their new home quickly.